Comments on: Sex Work And Honesty: Being Too Honest Peace. Porn. Politics. Wed, 25 Jan 2012 01:45:21 +0000 by: Nico Sun, 04 Jan 2009 08:55:17 -0600 Hilarious. Thanks for writing this. Hilarious. Thanks for writing this.

by: whatsername Sun, 04 Jan 2009 20:33:19 -0600 My god if he wants to make people cum maybe he should become the PSO! My god if he wants to make people cum maybe he should become the PSO!

by: Entelle Mon, 05 Jan 2009 14:08:22 -0600 That was awesome. "No, this sock is much more interesting." I like hearing the tales from someone in a different part of sex work. And total honesty? It's true, most guys who ask for total honesty want nothing of the sort. That was awesome. “No, this sock is much more interesting.” I like hearing the tales from someone in a different part of sex work. And total honesty? It’s true, most guys who ask for total honesty want nothing of the sort.

by: O Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:54:25 -0600 Fascinating. Clearly his concept of honesty means something like: 'tell the truth when <i>I</i> find it comfortable for you to do so, and I demand that you intuit what I want and acquiesce to it at all other times.' Hmmmm. Not sure that he's the only guy who thinks that way. Cynically yrs, O Fascinating. Clearly his concept of honesty means something like: ‘tell the truth when I find it comfortable for you to do so, and I demand that you intuit what I want and acquiesce to it at all other times.’

Hmmmm. Not sure that he’s the only guy who thinks that way.

Cynically yrs,

by: sxychikadee Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:19:04 -0600 HA! Sounds just like a whole lot of straight men in my life. They only want the truth as long as it satisfies their definition of truth. Great post. HA! Sounds just like a whole lot of straight men in my life. They only want the truth as long as it satisfies their definition of truth.
Great post.

by: Sabrina Morgan Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:13:06 -0600 Oh, I love those "total honesty" guys. They never do believe you when your truth isn't the one they expect. Those guys get mad at me and accuse me of lying for wearing skirts (gods, I do cam, I wear skirts) and try to tell me that I'm "really" wearing boxer shorts. That would be dead on if I was still in my butch lesbian phase but I'm not in college anymore. And of course nobody really has any real D/s experience. It's just like any other call - they still want to hear what they want to hear - except that if you don't guess right, instead of redirecting the call, they get angry and accuse you of lying. Your account cracked me up though - loved the lines about your sock! I had a guy like that 2 nights ago and my version of honesty was to remind him that he was closing in on 40. Oh he loved that. Oh, I love those “total honesty” guys. They never do believe you when your truth isn’t the one they expect.

Those guys get mad at me and accuse me of lying for wearing skirts (gods, I do cam, I wear skirts) and try to tell me that I’m “really” wearing boxer shorts. That would be dead on if I was still in my butch lesbian phase but I’m not in college anymore. And of course nobody really has any real D/s experience.

It’s just like any other call - they still want to hear what they want to hear - except that if you don’t guess right, instead of redirecting the call, they get angry and accuse you of lying.

Your account cracked me up though - loved the lines about your sock! I had a guy like that 2 nights ago and my version of honesty was to remind him that he was closing in on 40. Oh he loved that.

by: Cc Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:45:51 -0600 As a knitter, I found it hilarious that you told him about turning the heel. It's terribly fascinating to watch and to knit, I will admit. How would *anyone* fulfill his "be honest but do what I tell you you should do/feel how I tell you you should feel" schtick? And if he can't do that with a PSO, how could he ever function with a female human being out in the world? Geez. As a knitter, I found it hilarious that you told him about turning the heel. It’s terribly fascinating to watch and to knit, I will admit.

How would *anyone* fulfill his “be honest but do what I tell you you should do/feel how I tell you you should feel” schtick? And if he can’t do that with a PSO, how could he ever function with a female human being out in the world? Geez.

by: Calico Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:04:16 -0600 I'm rolling on the floor laughing here. Your other commenters have nailed it. We've all met this guy. I also like the ones who correct your honest answers: "Where are you from? Be honest now." "I'm from $place" "No you're not. Where are you <i>really</i> from?" "$Place, really." "You're totally lying. Do you go to school?" "Yes, I do." "No you don't. What do you really do?" and so on. I've never been so bitchy with a client, mostly because an in-person confrontation can escalate easily to nasty, and it's easier to just walk away. Oh, I wish I could! I bet it would be really refreshing. :) I’m rolling on the floor laughing here.

Your other commenters have nailed it. We’ve all met this guy.

I also like the ones who correct your honest answers:
“Where are you from? Be honest now.”
“I’m from $place”
“No you’re not. Where are you really from?”
“$Place, really.”
“You’re totally lying. Do you go to school?”
“Yes, I do.”
“No you don’t. What do you really do?”
and so on.

I’ve never been so bitchy with a client, mostly because an in-person confrontation can escalate easily to nasty, and it’s easier to just walk away. Oh, I wish I could! I bet it would be really refreshing. :)

by: Vixen Thu, 12 Feb 2009 21:50:28 -0600 Thanks everybody! I totally loved the comments on this post. Thanks everybody! I totally loved the comments on this post.

by: elmathelas Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:38:17 -0500 Hillarious. I'm totally showing this to my partner, who is an avid sock knitter. We've totally had the "hey, want to go upstairs?" "um, after I finish turning this heel" conversation. It seems a reasonable reason to put off sex to me. And after all, I live with her, I can wait until she's done with the sock, which I will be the likely recipient of. Hillarious. I’m totally showing this to my partner, who is an avid sock knitter. We’ve totally had the “hey, want to go upstairs?” “um, after I finish turning this heel” conversation. It seems a reasonable reason to put off sex to me. And after all, I live with her, I can wait until she’s done with the sock, which I will be the likely recipient of.
