Comments on: Face Carver’s Day In Court Peace. Porn. Politics. Sat, 10 Sep 2011 00:20:50 +0000 by: Rodin Sat, 04 Apr 2009 08:14:23 -0500 This reminds me of a jury duty experience I had some time ago. One of the prosecutor's closing remarks: "The attorney for the defense would have you believe that his client could not have committed such a laughably stupid crime. Don't buy it, ladies and gentleman! It is exactly because the defendant is an incompetent criminal that we're all here today. Incompetent criminals invariably get caught." This reminds me of a jury duty experience I had some time ago. One of the prosecutor’s closing remarks: “The attorney for the defense would have you believe that his client could not have committed such a laughably stupid crime. Don’t buy it, ladies and gentleman! It is exactly because the defendant is an incompetent criminal that we’re all here today. Incompetent criminals invariably get caught.”

by: Vixen Fri, 01 May 2009 21:51:44 -0500 Rodin-Isn't there a saying similar to that? Good criminals don't get caught or something. Rodin-Isn’t there a saying similar to that? Good criminals don’t get caught or something.
