Comments on: Sex Work And Honesty: Religion Peace. Porn. Politics. Fri, 19 Jun 2009 15:16:28 +0000 by: Alexia Thu, 11 Jun 2009 15:45:52 -0500 I hope my being Christian doesn't make you stop reading.....I figure some of those rude people screaming in your face were those that would also call themselves that. I want to say I am sorry for that. Many of us try to follow the path of love and servanthood Jesus taught, but lately there are more and more that do not represent what I believe very well. I like reading your blog, it is interesting. Take care. I hope my being Christian doesn’t make you stop reading…..I figure some of those rude people screaming in your face were those that would also call themselves that. I want to say I am sorry for that. Many of us try to follow the path of love and servanthood Jesus taught, but lately there are more and more that do not represent what I believe very well. I like reading your blog, it is interesting. Take care.

by: Vixen Fri, 12 Jun 2009 00:47:00 -0500 Alexia-I'm glad you like my blog. You don't have to apologize. They're awesome people in every religion but there's assholes too. I've met my share of jerk Pagans and I feel like you-they don't represent what I believe at all. Alexia-I’m glad you like my blog. You don’t have to apologize. They’re awesome people in every religion but there’s assholes too. I’ve met my share of jerk Pagans and I feel like you-they don’t represent what I believe at all.
