Radical Vixen https://radicalvixen.com/blog Peace. Porn. Politics. Fri, 10 Aug 2012 06:50:02 +0000 http://backend.userland.com/rss092 en Internet Defense League Launch From the Internet Defense League: “It was epic. While member sites broadcasted their support, we blasted our “cat signal” into the sky in cities around the world (on Batman’s opening night!) Though the launch of a grassroots campaign to protect the Internet is worth celebrating, there’s nothing like an IRL event to ... https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/08/09/internet-defense-league-launch/ Sex News Roundup Via The Philip DeFranco Show: Will you still medal in the morning? “Home to more than 10,000 athletes at the Summer Games and 2,700 at the Winter, the Olympic Village is one of the world’s most exclusive clubs. To join, prospective members need only have spectacular talent and — we long assumed ... https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/08/07/sex-news-roundup-43/ Happy Chicken Pride Day! I love this vid and Randy Rainbow’s my favorite new YouTuber. “All these gay guys in suits are here with their hags.” Awesome! Seriously, more activists need to get jobs at Chick-fil-A and do this. That would be epic. https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/08/01/happy-chicken-pride-day/ News Roundup From Out.com: Meet Chaz the Intolerant Chick-fil-A Chicken “Oh, Conan. How do we love you? Let us count the ways. Always ready to introduce some bizarre idea into a sketch on his show, the TV host has now introduced Chaz, the Intolerant Chick-fil-A Chicken as a response to all the hullabaloo over ... https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/07/31/obamacare/ Anti-Pagan Propaganda From the Wild Hunt: I Have No Plans to Kidnap Your Man “The Epping Forest Guardian reports that someone has been stuffing leaflets in local homes accusing Pagans of wanting “to abduct a male member of the public for use as part of their rituals” this Lammas. Pagan Federation representative Mani ... https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/07/26/anti-pagan-propaganda/ Oh Really? “You’re kind of like a succubus.” -new client https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/07/17/hmm/ Upskirt In Park From this gallery. I always like it when the models look like they’re having fun. Another pic in the gallery has her throwing devil horns which was funny. https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/07/14/upskirt-in-park/ Supreme Court Roundup From NPR: Supreme Court Has A Term To Remember “The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court have fled Washington, leaving in their wake a storm of historic headlines. In the last 10 days alone, the high court upheld the Obama health care law, struck down much of the Arizona immigration law and ... https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/07/09/supreme-court-roundup/ Speaking Of Freedom From the EFF: Time For Members of Congress to Pledge to Uphold Internet Freedom “Today, EFF joins a broad, international coalition of civil society groups calling on elected officials to sign the new Declaration of Internet Freedom and uphold basic rights in the digital world. The Declaration is simple; it offers five ... https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/07/04/speaking-of-freedom/ Sex News Roundup I’ve had several emails asking me to review 50 Shades of Grey. I looked into it and wow does it look bad. But I had no idea how bad until I stumbled upon Bizzybiz Blog’s hilarious review. She is reviewing a handful of chapters at a time. Not only does ... https://radicalvixen.com/blog/2012/06/27/sex-news-roundup-42/