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June 7th, 2006

Widows And Papers Respond To Slurs

9/11 Widows, New York Papers, Respond to Coulter’s ‘Slander’

Coulter’s hate speech against 911 widows has drawn much criticism:

From Editor and Publisher:

“In response, a group of five 9/11 widows, who may have been the prime targets of Coulter’s remarks, issued a statement denouncing Coulter’s views. The New York Daily News on Wednesday featured a smiling Coulter and this headline on its front page: COULTER THE CRUEL. One story inside was topped with “Massive Chip on Her Coulter ” and another called her a “a model of meanness.”

Posted by Vixen in News

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 7th, 2006 at 11:27 pm and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “Widows And Papers Respond To Slurs”

  1. Sera says:

    Your blog has infected my dreams. Last night, I dreamt that Anne Coulter had an office near mine, and she entered her office in tears, and then I poured a water bottle all over her. She whimpered and sputtered like a little girl. I then told her to take a day off, get herself together, and make a public apology.

    It was a most gratifying dream.

  2. Vixen says:

    Sera-Hehe, funny. Sounds like a good dream. I read your blog regularly and you’ll probably pop up in my dreams too.

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