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June 24th, 2007

Gay Veterans Exhibit

Out Ranks Exhibit

From Yahoo! News:
Exhibit examines history of gay veterans

“The airman’s dress blues are faded, the footlocker he carried through three tours in Vietnam has gone to rust. Yet the epitaph he chose to mark his grave is still as fresh as today’s headlines: “When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one.”

Leonard Matlovich’s medals, uniform and other personal effects make up the centerpiece of “Out Ranks,” a new exhibit that documents the tortured relationship between gay troops and the U.S. military from World War II to the present.”

I’d like to go to this. If any of my readers happen to go send me a write up. I’ll happily feature you on my blog.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 10:17 PM CDT

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