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September 14th, 2007

Million Dollar Pubes

Million dollar pubes

Found via Scanner:
Selling my pubic hair for one million dollars
“Unfortunately, laser hair removal can be an expensive treatment and therefore I needed to find a way to raise money for this. I knew that I had to come up with an idea that was fun and original enough to catch people’s attention and therefore I have decided to sell the pubic hair that I will ultimately be removing.

Subsequently I started thinking about how I could sell my pubic hair and as a result of this was born.

The idea is simple; for each of my public hairs that your purchase you can also place a 10 x 10 pixel advertisement on the homepage of, with a short accompanying description & direct link to your website.

Due to the unusual nature of my project I am hoping there will be a large amount of interest in Therefore, your logo and link to your website will be visible to the volume of visitors to this site.”

This is one wacky idea. But apparently it’s working because she’s sold 190 hairs.

Posted by Vixen in Musings

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