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December 24th, 2008

Sex News Round Up

Sex News Round Up

From XBiz:
‘Kappa Girl’ Detained After Posting Sex Video
“A woman who made a video of herself performing sex acts and uploaded it to the Internet has been detained for spreading pornography, the public security bureau in Shanghai said on Friday.


The 12-minute video first appeared on the Internet at the end of October under the title “Kappa Girl at Shanghai No. 1 Department Store’s East Building.” The title refers to the sportswear shop where Huang worked. She has been reportedly dismissed from her job.”

From the BBC:
Christmas under city’s red lights
“Most of us look forward to a rest over Christmas but thousands of Londoners will work during the holiday season - including many of the city’s sex workers.


And, like all workers, they face extra financial pressure at Christmas, says IUSW spokeswoman Catherine Stephens.

“January is usually quiet so many sex workers will work more during November and December to get extra money for their kids’ presents,” she explained.”

There’s nothing really new in this story. But it was so nice to read a story where sex workers and sex work were written about respectfully that I wanted to draw attention to it.

From Reuters:
Father offers daughter to shoe-thrower
“An Egyptian man said on Wednesday he was offering his 20-year-old daughter in marriage to Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi, who threw his shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush in Baghdad on Sunday,

The daughter, Amal Saad Gumaa, said she agreed with the idea. “This is something that would honor me. I would like to live in Iraq, especially if I were attached to this hero,” she told Reuters by telephone.

Her father, Saad Gumaa, said he had called Dergham, Zaidi’s brother, to tell him of the offer. “I find nothing more valuable than my daughter to offer to him, and I am prepared to provide her with everything needed for marriage,” he added.”

Isn’t it trippy that there are parts in the world where women can still be offered up as presents? Though I do think al-Zaidi could become a successful politician if he survives the aftermath of the shoe incident and if the US didn’t manipulate Iraq elections.

From Susie Bright’s Journal:
Rick Warren Can Either Come Out of His Closet, or Go Take a Hike
“Who the fuck— many of you are asking today — is Rick Warren? And why is he threatening to stink up Obama’s inauguration?

Well, Obama invited him. He invited this Billy Graham-pretender pastor to give the invocation at the big ball.

This is a guy who believes that every abortion is a holocaust, who thinks the Iranian PM should be assassinated by early this afternoon, who campaigned like Atilla the HUN for Proposition 8, and yet whines that he “has eaten dinner with gay people, so don’t call me phobic.”

Oh yeah, and he will fight stem cell research with his last dying breath. Don’t I wish.”

If you haven’t heard of Warren do check out Susie’s post. She has a lot of good links in it.

I’m pretty disappointed in Obama lately. I strongly disagree with some of his cabinet appointments. But part of me is trying not to overreact since he’s even not in office yet. (And the paranoid in me won’t be convinced Bush is leaving office until the day it happens.) But having this douchetastic preacher at the inauguration? What a horrible decision.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:11 PM CST

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