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December 26th, 2008

A Year After Bhutto’s Death

Benazir Bhutto

From the BBC:
Pakistan mourners honour Bhutto
“Tens of thousands of people have gathered at the mausoleum of Pakistan’s former PM Benazir Bhutto to mark the first anniversary of her assassination.

Ceremonies in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh, southern Pakistan, are expected to include prayers, poetry and speeches.

Mrs Bhutto was killed in a suicide bomb and gun attack in Rawalpindi, near Islamabad, after an election rally.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon says he expects an independent inquiry into her death to be set up soon.”

I hadn’t realized it had been a year. The BBC also has a related piece-Remembering Bhutto one year on

Posted by Vixen as News at 9:54 PM CST

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