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November 9th, 2007

Recycling Sex Toys

Sex toys being recycled

Love Honey recently sent me an update on their Rabbit Amnesty project:

How Sex Toys Are Recycled
“Did you know that throwing away your old vibrator might damage the environment? All waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), whether it’s TVs, toasters, computers or vibrators, can release toxins and pollute the environment when thrown into landfill.

As a result, the EU has introduced a directive aimed at reducing the environmental impact of WEEE by encouraging the reuse of electrical components and increasing recovery of raw materials from waste electrical products.

The legislation - known as Directive 2002/06/EC to its friends - has now passed into law into all EC member states. As of July 2007 in the UK, it is illegal to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment into landfill. Now, everything from your broken vibrator to your old Breville sandwich maker must now be disposed of properly.”


“Instead of chucking your old vibrator in the bin, you can send them to Rabbit Amnesty and we’ll recycle them for you with the help of SWEEEP, a specialist waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) processor.”

You can watch of video of the sex toys getting recycled here. The recycling process is pretty cool. I wish they had some of these machines in the States. We could cut down on so much waste in the landfills! With all the depressing news lately this story made my hippie heart happy.

Posted by Vixen in Sex Toys

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