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February 24th, 2008

A Date With Murphy

High Heels

I recently visited the Fabulous Foot Slut for a prodomme session. Typically I see him once or twice a year and always fly out to his city since he has both family and work commitments. Per our arrangement he prepaid my traveling expenses and then paid me for the session when I arrived. I pad the traveling expenses for two reasons. One reason is I believe anyone that looks like a relative should be charged an extra fee. The second reason is my little padding pays for Mr. Radical’s plane ticket. We make a mini-vacation out of it. FFS lives in a big city so when I’m not in session we get to play tourist, do some fun shopping and eat at fancy restaurants.

At first the session with FFS was going along perfectly. He had requested a golden shower this time, something he hadn’t wanted for awhile. During our second session I peed on him but haven’t since. I was drinking water until I felt my bladder was full enough for the job.

We’re in the middle of the session when I suddenly have to pee. And not just a I have to go soon but a I have to pee right now, I should be pulling down my panties as I’m thinking this type of pee. There was no way to get FFS into the bathroom and in position. Instead I went to the bathroom to empty my bladder. I can easily pee often so figured I’d just drink some more water and do the golden shower later.

I sit down on the toilet to do my business. Out of nowhere my bowels decide to empty themselves. Bah! I don’t like it when my body surprises me like that. I mean usually I can, well you know, tell that sort of thing is about to happen. But this came out of the blue. Thinking I was grateful I didn’t try to give the FFS a golden shower I flushed the toilet.

Nothing happened. No. I flush again. Nothing happened. No no no no no. This is not happening. I flush again and again nothing happens. Fuck fuck fuck. FFS is going to have to pee sometime during the session and he’ll see his mistress’s shit in the toilet. Fuck!

Lifting up the tank lid I see there’s no water. How the hell can there be no water?! Fuck! I fiddle with the little flap that seals the tank. I hear FFS moving around and have to leave the toilet. Praying that he won’t have to pee until I can look at the toilet again, I go back and continue the session.

It’s hard enough having your feet worshipped when the guy doing it looks like your father in law in drag. It’s even harder when you’re worried about a broken toilet filled with your shit.

Around twenty minutes later strange noises start coming from the bathroom. Gurgling pipe noises and then the sound of a toilet running. I go check on the toilet. The tank is full and I flush it in victory. Thank the gods!

Feeling relieved I go back to the session. I start thinking about the upcoming golden shower and start drinking more water. I fill up from the bathroom sink. The shower and toilet are in a separate room. The sink itself has a partial wall shielding it from the bedroom. Not wanting to make a lot of noise that would break the mood I only turn the tap halfway. Over the next hour I drank about four glasses and don’t pick up on the fact that the stream from the tap seemed to be getting thinner. Though it was taking longer to fill a glass my mind was on the session-how it was going, where I wanted to take it next.

It was time for the golden shower. I like to put them near the end of a session because the client has to wash up afterwards. I get FFS into the bathtub and I straddle the sides. I release my full bladder and cover him in pee. He loves it. Somehow I slightly misaim and pee down my leg. Adjusting my hips I redirect the stream back onto FFS.

After I’m done I leave FFS in the bathroom to wash himself off. I go to the bathroom sink and grab a washcloth to wipe off my leg. I turn on the tap and nothing happens. No. NO! This is not fucking happening. I turn off the tap and turn it on again. No water comes out, not even a drop. FFS calls out from the bathroom “You’re shower isn’t working.” Oh shit. Shit god damn fuck shit. This isn’t happening! But it is. I have a piss covered client and no water and he somehow has to clean himself up so he doesn’t stink when he goes home. I have to act fast.

I tell him to use the bathroom sink. FFS likes me to get a fancy hotel room near his office and the room I had was a suite. Praying that the kitchen sink still worked I sprinted as quietly as I could to the kitchen. Please Goddess please Goddess please. I turn on the kitchen tap and water came out. I almost cried I was so happy. Quickly I wipe down my piss covered leg as I hear FFS call out “The bathroom sink isn’t working either.” In as calm a voice I can muster (I’m panting from nerves at this point) I tell him the kitchen sink is working fine and to use that one.

FFS cleans himself up in the kitchen while I go back to the sink. Nothing. I go to the actual bathroom which now reaks of piss and try the shower. Nothing. Well at least FFS can clean himself up.

I try to end the session on a good note and let him rub lotion on my feet. The broken shower is gone from his mind as he focuses on his fetish again. My mind is racing. The hotel was renovating some of the rooms so maybe that’s why my water went out.

The session comes to an end. FFS doesn’t want to leave. He sometimes does this. In reality he only wants to pay for so long a session. But as soon as he sees my toes he wants to stay all night. He doesn’t want to pay for another session, thinking he can just cuddle my feet and I won’t mind. I’m still feeling freaked out by the whole water fiasco and it takes effort on my part not to snap at him. I use the water as an excuse telling him he has to go so I can call maintenance. FFS plans to see me the next day. I tell him I want to make sure everything’s fixed before our next session.

In the middle of getting FFS out the door the room phone rings. It’s Mr. Radical. I’ve missed my safe call. Since I’ve seen FFS so many times I don’t do check in safe calls during the session. But I do one at the end of the session so he knows he can come back to the room. Mr. Radical asks if everything is alright using a certain code word which means is everything really alright. I tell him everything’s fine using a certain code word which means that yes everything is really fine. I tell him I’ll be down in fifteen minutes.

FFS takes his leave and I feel exhausted. My nerves get the best of me and suddenly I’m angry. I call the front desk and ask for maintenance. My bathroom is getting fixed! She puts me on hold while she finds the maintenance man. While on hold I look around. The room is a mess. There’s towels everywhere, the room smells of urine, there’s lingerie in sizes obviously bigger than me lying around, there’s my dominatrix heels in the living room. There’s me dressed in a corset and leather skirt with dramatic make-up. Shit. What have I gotten myself into?! How am I going to get this all cleaned up quickly? Front desk comes back on and says the maintenance man is busy and could I just try the water later and maybe it will work. I enthusiastically agree, realizing I shouldn’t sound so excited.

I’m in the middle of cleaning up when Mr. Radical returns. He asks about the session, knowing something was up since I never forget my safe call. In the middle of telling him weird noises come from the bathroom. I try the sink and shower. Both work. The water comes out in spurts at first as if there were air in the pipes. Not that it mattered-I was just happy they were working again and I could wash the piss out of the shower.

By the time I’m finished telling Mr. Radical the whole story we’re both laughing. We decide to go out to a bar because after that session I needed a drink.

Posted by Vixen in PSO Confessions

This entry was posted on Sunday, February 24th, 2008 at 12:31 pm and is filed under PSO Confessions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

7 Responses to “A Date With Murphy”

  1. whatsername says:

    Holy fucking crap Radical, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. I would have FREAKED out.

  2. Amber says:

    Seriously… kudos to you for staying as calm as you did! I *hate* plumbing problems. That’s one of the craziest Murphy’s Law stories I’ve ever heard.

  3. The Fury says:

    Hilarious! That was definitely a Murphy’s Law day. what’s with a posh hotel having such sketchy water pressure and the front desk suggesting you wait?? You’re a diplomat Ms. Radical.

  4. Bad Bad Girl says:

    Oh my god that is hilarious!! Some days at work are just worse than others, I guess.

  5. Mendcatus says:

    Brilliant. I was guffawing in the office. :)

  6. Lotus says:

    HAHAHAHA oh that’s fantastic. Seriously, while that had to be nervewracking when it was happening, this story is only going to get better and funnier with distance.


  7. Vixen says:

    Everyone-Thanks! Fortunately FFS is a client I’ve seen numerous times so that calmed me some.

    The hotel was remodeling half of the floot that I was on. The work was on the other side of the floor so I didn’t think it would affect my room. I certainly couldn’t hear the noise. But I’m guessing the construction is the reason the water temporarily went out.

    I definitely laugh about the situation now.

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