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May 27th, 2006

Kommandos Project

Kommandos project

From the Kommandos Project website:
“There was a guy named Jay Lassiter who let us in on a cool idea for a protest. The notion is to place little green army men–you know the ones that you played with as a kid–with banners protesting the war anywhere…everywhere we can think of. And that’s where this all started…”

What a clever idea! I want to do this.

Posted by Vixen in Musings, Activism

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 27th, 2006 at 9:14 pm and is filed under Musings, Activism. You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Kommandos Project”

  1. Kvatch says:

    Vixen, Kvatch here (founder of the Kommandos Project). Just wanted to let you know that everyone is welcome and to come on over and join us.

    Hoping for your support in the War on War and thanks for the post.

  2. Vixen says:

    Kvatch-You have a great project going. It’s very inspiring and I can see it really catching on.

  3. financial domination says:

    Any protest for war is always supported by me. That one is definitely catchy.

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