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January 17th, 2010

Sex News Update: US Male Legal Prostitutes

First US Male Legal Prostitutes

From Details Magazine:
Exclusive: Meet America’s First Legal Male Prostitute
“Today, a 25 year old from Los Angeles (by way of Alabama) will become the first legal male prostitute in this country’s history. “Markus” (his working name) was fresh off the Greyhound bus yesterday when he granted Details an exclusive first interview in a cottage at the Shady Lady Ranch brothel, two-and-a-half-hours northwest of Las Vegas. His story is about to become a national sensation. Read on to find out why.”

The tagline of the story says “Former Marine “Markus” auditioned at Nevada’s Shady Lady Ranch for a chance to sell his body. He got the job, but at what price?” When I read that I silently groaned. Was Details really going to go that tired route?

Thankfully they didn’t. The interview is surprisingly tame considering they’re interviewing someone entering prostitution. Mostly they ask about his background and personal philosophy. Marcus comes across pretty normal-another surprise and relief. I figured they’d play up some drug/abuse storyline and that’s not the case at all with this article. What a pleasure to read a respectful article about a sex worker.

Good job Details. And good job Markus for making history!

Posted by Vixen in News, Sex Workers

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