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November 7th, 2005

Senate Considers Porn Yet Again

US Senate

Imagine a world where the Senate Judiciary Committee studies pornography in a sane, comprehensive way. They declare that *gasp* adults have a right to view other consenting adults having consensual sex. They denounce anti-sex fundamentalists that want to abolish pornography as meddling into other people’s private lives. Dreamy isn’t it? Until then we have to be vigilant watchdogs and guard our freedom to enjoy porn.

Senate Subcommittee Schedules Porn Hearing

WASHINGTON - Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) has scheduled a hearing of the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Right Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee on the topic, “Why the Government Should Care About Pornography: The State Interest in Protecting Children and Families.”

Posted by Vixen as Political Rants, News at 12:35 PM CST

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