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November 9th, 2005

Real Dolls

Leah the real doll.

Many have blogged about the Salon article on Real Dolls. I thought I’d add my thoughts because I got to play with an actual Real Doll.

A Mistress friend had purchased one and had it delivered to the Office the day I was there for a meeting. When I first saw it out of the corner of my eye I thought there was a new girl sitting in the corner. Then I realized something was wrong. She wasn’t moving.

Instantly I wanted to know about the doll. When her identity was explained I had to get a closer look.

The first thing I noticed was that she was very well made. She was sturdy and could be posed in different positions. Her face was well designed and her hair looked real. The doll was heavier than I suspected which surprised me. There was an eeriness about the thing though. Parts of her were so lifelike but on closer inspection she was so fake. Such a peculiar blend of lifeless material and lifelike realism.

Inspecting her I found myself with a case of the giggles. While running my fingers over her teeth I was suddenly gripped with the uncontrollable urge to do naughty things with the doll. I took out the tongue and stuck it back in crooked. The room burst out in laughter because now she looked drunk. I hammed it up, sticking my tongue out as well to pose for a photo.

Several of us started taking more photos with her. I straddled an arm and adjusted the hand to make it appear that the doll was grabbing my crotch. I spread her legs wider and posed her to masturbate. Then I grabbed a riding crop to spank her thighs because I “caught” her playing with herself.

The room laughed while the doll was straddled, spanked and felt up. We eventually grew tired of our game and moved on to our meeting. Later, someone noticed a finger was split. No one was certain who did the damage, there were a number of us who played with her. The injury sobered us up-the doll costs around $6,000. How much would a repair run? Thankfully, some silicon rendered the finger repaired and the injury invisible.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 3:06 AM CST

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