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November 23rd, 2005

Tree Spirit Project

Nudes in Trees

Jack Gescheidt’s photographs show the interdependence of humans and trees.

He describes his work on his website Tree Spirit Project:

“Documenting these gatherings, I have found a way to share my love of trees and my lifelong passion for being outside among trees, under the sky, able to feel the sun, wind and rain.

But a larger purpose has emerged unexpectedly, at once social, political, and environmental: to remind, inspire and encourage people to feel our connection to trees and the living Earth.”

His photos capture my feelings towards trees. My holiest moment was the time I spent in the Redwoods in California. I felt the sacredness all around me and felt one with Mother Earth. I love the way he combines the sensuality and the beauty of a human body and a tree.

Posted by Vixen as Sexy Sensations at 9:44 PM CST

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