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November 24th, 2005

The Truth About Thanksgiving

First Thanksgiving

“The Pilgrims were the Indian’s Best Friend”. That’s what I was taught when I was a schoolgirl. No in my class doubted it. Why would we? The adults were the authority and they were teaching us the history of Thanksgiving. Even our history books told us about the Pilgrims befriending the “savage” Indians. We took it to be true.

Unfortunately I didn’t learn the truth about Thanksgiving until I was much older. Reading ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ was an eye opener. This led me to Howard Zinn’s ‘A People’s History of the United States’ a book I often assign as required reading to aspiring slaves who want to serve me.

Snippets from ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ can be found here. Alternative Press Review has an excellent article about The Real Story of Thanksgiving.

It is wise for us to learn the real history of the United States. We should teach the next generation our history, lest this country be doomed to repeat it.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 3:22 AM CST

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