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November 25th, 2005

A Thanksgiving Hand Spanking

Holiday Hand Spanking

Occasionally I’ll get a call inspired by the holidays. I like these calls-it’s fun to have a theme. Today an irregular regular client rang me up- a term I call the clients that call once every 4 months or so. He always has a lot to say and does most of the talking. While he recounts a story of humiliation I mostly listen, adding an occasional comment to the tale.

He was humiliated for Thanksgiving. He went to the annual family dinner and started bickering with his siblings. Mind you, he and his siblings are middle aged and have children of their own. Their mother became very upset, and although all of them were yelling at each other, singled out my client for punishment, a theme continued from his childhood.

Not only was he verbally chastised in front of his siblings and extended family he was made to sit at the little kids table for the rest of the meal. A food fight erupted amongst the kiddies. Though he denied being the instigator his mother again singled him out for punishment.

She pulled down his pants and pulled him over her lap in front of his shocked and scandalized family members. She gave him a harsh hand spanking while lecturing him on ruining their Thanksgiving dinner.

Try as he might he couldn’t hold back the tears. Here was his elderly mother, twice his age, spanking him as if he were a child. Even though he was sobbing she didn’t stop slapping his bottom until her hand was sore.

Since this was his second time in trouble that night his mother pushed him towards a wall in the dining room. He was made to stand there with his nose pressed into the corner and pants around his ankles for the remainder of the night. The rest of the family sat down again around the table and finished their dinner.

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 6:58 PM CST


Buy Nothing Day

Buy Nothing Day

Today, millions of people around the world are not participating — in the doomsday economy, marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that’s subsumed our culture. Today we say: enough is enough, and build a movement to rethink our unsustainable course.

Free yourself from over consumption! Join the revolution at Adbusters.

Posted by Vixen as News, Activism at 5:00 PM CST

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