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May 13th, 2006

Death Threat

Recently I had a cold and decided to turn the phone off early to go to bed. Next morning I listened to new voicemails and heard a death threat.

That’s right. A death threat. It was made by a woman. She identified herself as the wife of a Mr. X and said if I ever called her husband again she would kill me. Then she called me every name she could think of- whore, slut, bitch, cunt-until she ran out of breath and hung up. Then she left two more messages yelling at me for not picking up the phone so she could threaten me and proceeded to call me more names.

I saved the messages and hung up the phone, my hand shaking. It was pretty freaky. She sounded really pissed. It shook me up. To calm myself I mentally reviewed the guns we own and smiled at the thought of my newest one-an AK47 named Kent. (Named after the Kent State Anniversary. Hubby and I like to name our guns after political figures and events. My favorite gun is named Che.) This helped calm me down. If need be, I could and would defend myself.

After the fear lessened the anger came. How dare she threaten me?! I remembered her husband’s name and ironically he’s not a client.

Mr. X had called me and left a message. I returned the call, got his voicemail and left his cell phone number. He only listed himself so I thought it safe to leave a message. If a family is listed or it’s just a generic number I never leave a message because I don’t want anyone else to get it.

But his wife must have checked his messages or looked at his phone bill. I can only assume she suspected I was having an affair with her husband. But shouldn’t her rage be directed at him instead of me? Although really, she has nothing to be mad about since we’ve never done a call.

I thought of reporting her. I had his number and full name-I could easily have found hers and filed a report. After all she had threatened me. When the anger passed I thought it over and decided against it. She did sound a little drunk in her messages. If she called and threatened me again I decided I would report her.

A few days later Mr. X himself called me and wanted to set up a phone session. I told him his wife had left a death throat on my voicemail and if she did it again I would report her. I didn’t tell him I was armed; that didn’t seem necessary. His voice turned shaky and he said “Oh, I won’t call you again” and then he quickly hung up. I haven’t heard from either of them since and I’m thankful.

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 11:03 PM CDT

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