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February 20th, 2008

Blog Contest Teaser

Blog anniversary contest

Next month is my 3 year blogging anniversary. To celebrate I’m having a contest as a thank you to my readers. What’s in it for you? Well Babeland, JT’s Stockroom and Love Honey have all pitched in goodies for the contest. Woot!

The items from Babeland and Love Honey are pictured above. JT’s Stockroom is giving a $50 gift certificate to the winner.

And how do you win? On March 1st I’ll make an official contest entry post. In it I’ll give detailed info (and more pics) on the 10 different prizes up for grabs. To enter just make a comment to that post. On March 20th (my anniversary) I’ll pick 10 winners.

Good luck! And thank you for reading!

Posted by Vixen as Sex Toys at 6:36 PM CST