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September 1st, 2008

Babygate Continues!

Sarah Palin running for VPILF

Ok seriously. Is it just me or is this Palin baby scandal a weird Onion story come to life? Buzzflush’s headline
Palin Says No Truth to Teen Daughter Being Pregnant Out of Wedlock Last Year Because She’s Pregnant and Unmarried This Year” would be hilarious if it weren’t true.

This is why abstinence only education works people!

I’m not sure which is more entertaining-the Fundies humping their Bibles over an underage Madonna/Whore fantasy come to life or the conspiracy theories flying by so fast I can hardly keep up on them. Palin fakes the daughter’s current pregnancy to conceal the fact that she faked her pregnancy to preserve the daughter’s virgin reputation! If this person wasn’t running for Vice President I’d be crying from laughing so hard.

I will admit Palin’s behavior the day of her labor is bizarre. If nothing else her day of bad decisions does not bode well for a person one heartbeat away from being POTUS. There’s a disturbing/fun timeline of her labor day I found at Democratic Underground.
Sarah Palin Pregnancy Decision Map

What election soap opera twist will be next? I’m not sure I want to know.

Posted by Vixen as News at 10:50 PM CDT

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