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September 8th, 2008

Sex News Roundup

Sex News Roundup

From Queers United:
Subway Fires Former Gay Porn Star
“22-year-old gay porn star Kurt Wild was fired from his day job at a Subway restaurant outside of St. Louis when a customer recognized him and threatened to boycott the fast food joint if Wild wasn’t fired.

Wild says in an email:

Hey everyone.

I just wanted to tell everyone that I was just fired from my work at subway because I have done gay porn. A customer said they wouldn’t even eat there at subway anymore because of my past work and said that if I wasn’t fired then they would boycott the store. What I say is, if one person can try to ruin me everywhere I work… maybe I should take a stand and boycott their store too if they can’t let people’s privacy be treated right. I should have the right to work anywhere I can and it isn’t right or fair that people can keep me from working simply because of a “gay” issue. If a girl did what we do it would probably be ok.. and if a guy does straight porn.. he is bragged about. When I do gay porn, I feel a bit lynched for the rest of my life. Not right. Thanks for reading.
- Kurt Wild” (”

Queers United helpfully gives Subway’s Customer Service Form which you can fill out here. I just sent my comment and will let you know if I get a response.

From Adult Industry News:
American Bukkake
“It’s that time again. If you got what it take to be a porn stud then come over and work with super hot porn actresses. Really, any dudes who got a dick and can pop a load is welcome.

Stop masturbating at your mom’s house and come on our movie set at Van Nuys Studio 7053 Valjean Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406. Call time is 7pm. Pay $75 cash. Ok to wear disguises!”

If any of my readers actually gets to star in American Bukkake do get in touch. I love the ad copy-”stop masturbating at your mom’s house”. Funny stuff.

From The Age:
Stripper on rape count after buck’s party
“A best man allegedly raped by a stripper with a sex toy had stepped in for the groom who “wasn’t interested” in his buck’s party’s strip show, a court has heard.


One witness said the best man had looked uncomfortable throughout the performance and was forced on to all fours by Naggs who was naked and wearing a sex toy.

“She went behind him and pulsated to push him to the ground,” he said.

The witness said he heard the man scream and get to his feet.”

I’m curious to see how this trial turns out.

From Kasidie:
10 Things That No Swinger Home Should Be Without
“With nearly a decade of experience in the swinger lifestyle, I’ve been to a lot of people’s homes and have learned a lot about how the littlest things can often make a big difference in one’s enjoyment of an evening. The following is a list I’ve compiled of 10 simple items that every swinger should have in their home, along with some relevant and entertaining stories submitted by Kasidie readers.”

Though I’m not a swinger I found this article interesting. Many of the items listed could be useful in a sex workers tool bag.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:50 PM CDT