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September 21st, 2008

Sugasm #147

The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Want in Sugasm #148? Submit a link to your best post of the week by emailing me directly at radicalvixenatgmaildotcom Participants, repost the link list within a week and you’re all set.

This Week’s Picks
““You’re lucky I’m not being mean right now.””

Cum Squirt With Me. Confession #131
“Not much research has been done on the female orgasm in general, much less this seemingly new erotic marvel.”

Jealousy, Pornography and the Boundaries of Blogging
“I search to be a sexually free, independent and satisfied woman without the stigma of slut yet with the positive implications of slut.”

Mr. Sugasm Himself
Sugar Bank

Editor’s Choice
Blue Fantasy, Red Silk Rope

More Sugasm
Join the Sugasm

See also: Fleshbot’s Sex Blog Roundup each Tuesday and Friday.

Posted by Vixen as Sugasm at 11:29 PM CDT

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Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy Post Request

Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy

It’s my turn to host the Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy. The RV version will be posted Monday, September 29th. Please send your nominations to radicalvixenatgmaildotcom My inbox is pretty stuffed so please make the subject title of your nomination “Submission for the Feminist Carnival”.

From their site:
“The Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy homepage is a collection of links to blogs that will host future editions of this carnival, promoting the sexual rights and freedom of women.


This theory of feminism is known more commonly as Sex Positive Feminism, a movement that developed in the 1980s in response to feminists against pornography and prostitution. Sex Positive Feminists (or sex-radical, pro-sex or sexually liberated feminists) believe that women’s sexual freedom is an essential part of women’s autonomy. Any legal or social control or regulation over the sexual self is an attempt to control and regulate women, undermines their freedom and infringes upon their human rights. We are interested in promoting sex workers’ rights, sex education in schools, and we encourage the free expression of sexualities.”

You can learn more about this carnival, and what type of submissions are appropriate, here.

Posted by Vixen as Sexy Sensations, Activism at 11:21 AM CDT