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September 25th, 2008

A Bailout Perspective From Alternative Media

Clueless Bush

First off, does anyone else find this picture of Bush deeply disturbing? Yes I bitch about the man and make snide comments about him on a daily basis but I’m serious here. There’s something not right with him in the photo. Whoever did his make-up for the cameras did a shitty job. His lips are too pink and the blush is visible on his cheeks. Make-up on anyone in front of press is necessary of course but on men it’s not meant to be noticed.

But there’s something else-that dazed look in the eyes. It reminds me of the look he got after 9/11. Considering how well he handled that situation I’m unnerved.

From Info Wars:
Bush & McCain Blackmail America With Economic Terrorism
“From shying away from even mentioning such terms as “recession,” “unemployment” or “bank failures,” Bush, Bernanke and Paulson are now vigorously invoking the fear of financial meltdown as part of a campaign of economic terror to blackmail the American people into accepting the power-grabbing “bailout,” while John McCain, who last week said the fundamentals of the economy are strong, is now all but threatening to cancel the election should the proposal not receive swift passage.

Bush’s speech last night was a throwback to his March 2003 stump before the invasion of Iraq - replace words like “weapons of mass destruction” with “financial panic” and the tone of the two is not dissimilar.”

There’s several good links in the above story. One of Mr. Radical’s theories is that the elections are going to be put on indefinite hold and that Bush will reign a third term. Normally I just think he’s being a little too paranoid. But sometimes, like after reading the above story, I think he may be onto something.

To paraphase one of my favorite artists, Utah Phillips, “Times are tough in these waning days of Babylon”.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:14 PM CDT