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December 5th, 2008

Stolen Sex Toys

Love Honey recycles sex toys

From LoveHoney:
Thieves Steal LoveHoney’s Used Sex Toys
“If you live in Bath (where LoveHoney is based) and someone offers to sell you a cheap sex toy, don’t buy - we’ve had a load of used ones stolen.

The toys were stored in a locked external container, ready to be sent for recycling under our Rabbit Amnesty sex toy recycling scheme.

They were stolen at some point between Sunday 23 November and the morning of Monday 24 November 2008, and have an estimated retail value of £750.”

Stealing used sex toys? Eww. LoveHoney’s recycling program for sex toys is cool though. I blogged about it here.

Posted by Vixen as News, Sex Toys at 9:32 PM CST