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January 11th, 2009

Sex Work Issues In The UK

I’ve been meaning to blog about the proposed UK anti-prostitution law for the past few days. But I’ve been busy and keep putting it off. Bound, Not Gagged is on top of it though and has a great post.

Not sure what I’m talking about? Here’s a snippet:
“As you may or not may be aware, under the auspices of a woman named Jacqui Smith, the UK is considering a law that will criminalize the purchase of sexual services, namely, men who participate in, as they call it in the UK, “kerb crawling” (street based work). As usual, the evidence Smith is basing her proposal off of is questionable, but the proposed law is there none the less.”

The post is called Sex Workers: Once again, what’s best for us? and is quite informative. (So is the whole blog for that matter!)

Posted by Vixen as News, Sex Workers at 10:33 PM CST

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