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January 29th, 2009

Family Planning Not Stimulated

Medicaid Family Planning Provision Stripped from Stimulus

From Planned Parenthood:
Medicaid Family Planning Provision Stripped from Stimulus
“Planned Parenthood worked closely with our partners in Washington, DC, to ensure that the economic stimulus package included a commonsense measure — the Medicaid Family Planning State Option — that would have invested in health care and allowed states to expand health care access to more women.

Unfortunately, the Medicaid Family Planning State Option fell victim to misleading attacks and partisan politics and was cut from the stimulus package yesterday.

The Medicaid Family Planning State Option is a simple way to make health care affordable for millions of Americans. It would do two important things:

1. It would allow millions of women to obtain basic health care. It would extend safety-net health care coverage for millions of people, including many who are losing their jobs and health insurance in the economic downturn. Studies estimate that 2.3 million low-income women would receive coverage under this provision by 2014, and 500,000 women would be able to avoid unintended pregnancies.
2. In these difficult times, this provision would save states money. State budgets are being squeezed by the economic downturn, just as millions are losing their jobs and health insurance. The Medicaid Family Planning State Option not only would help states extend their coverage, it would generate savings for states and the federal government by expanding access to preventive care.

Please, take two minutes now to help us raise a public outcry.

Call the White House (202-456-1111). Let them know that during this tough economic time, expanding access to basic health care is more important than ever for women and families.”

I’m torn. On one hand I see how this is important. Giving birth control to low-income women is certainly cheaper than the cost of raising an unwanted child. But on the other hand the stimulus bill already has a huge price tag. Shouldn’t we want it very trimmed down to keep the total cost as small as possible? Should the issue of funding family planning be tacked on to another bill or dealt with on it’s own?

What do you think?

Posted by Vixen as News at 9:38 PM CST

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