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June 16th, 2009

Want To Submit To $pread?

$pread blog

Are you a sex worker who wants to have something published in $pread magazine? You’re in luck because $pread Magazine has just announced it’s latest call for submissions!

From the $pread blog:
$pread Call For Submissions - Issue 5.2
“Please circulate widely! All questions, pitches, and finished pieces should be sent to contribute at spreadmagazine dot org

*Hot Topic: What about the children!? (200-300 words)*
What about *your* kids in relation to the work you do? Ever worked while pregnant? Did you enter the biz to support your kids, or leave it when they were born? Please include your location (city and state) and whatever name you’d like us to print.

*Consumer Report: Stripper heels (100 words per)*
We’re looking for pointed, possibly humorous, product reviews of stripper footwear. Please provide one-to-two sentences per product and be specific about its usefulness, or its incompatibility, in relation to your line of work. Items should be identified by brand and style name.

*Positions: Coming out (400 words)*
Is coming out to friends, family, or the public worth it?

*Reviews (400-600 words)*
Like to review a recent piece of sex-work related culture? Please let us know. Reviews should be between 400 and 600 words, but inquire before writing to make sure we haven’t already covered your particular selection.

*News Reports (500-1,000 words):*
Reports should cover current sex worker-related news and events from across the globe. If possible, please include photos with your report.

*Scene Report (500 words)*
Where do you work? Send us a description of your local workplace (e.g., brothel, club, parlor, dungeon, or street corner) and tell us about the venue where you work and how it compares to other locales. Past scene reports covered the New York street scene in the Village and escorting in Orange County, CA. Please include both personal and more industry-wide perspectives of your region.”

Posted by Vixen as Activism, Sex Workers at 9:54 PM CDT

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