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June 23rd, 2009

UK Pagans Kicked Out Of Social Club

Crystal Cauldron High Priestess

From Stockport Express:
When shall we three meet again? Well, not in October…
“A group of witches is claiming religious discrimination after church leaders banned them from using its social club.

Sandra Davis – High Priestess at the Crystal Cauldron – had reserved Our Lady’s Social Club in Shaw Heath for her Pagan group’s Annual Witches’ Ball in October.

But when she rang to make payment arrangements she was told the event could not be held there and – despite already having printed tickets – another venue must be found.

At first the club insisted the cancellation was down to a double booking, but bosses at the Diocese of Shrewsbury have since confirmed witches are not ‘compatible with the Catholic ethos’.”

Below in the comments Sandra comments more on the situation:
” I think I really need to confirm something here. When I called to book the venue which had been recommended and which I had used many times I new it as The Flint Street Social Club, I never knew it was run or attached to the Catholic church and when the Gentleman, who was very nice by the way, answered with Our Lady’s I then told him who I was, what we wanted and who were were, totally up front and said that I did not want to compromise them in any way. he assured me that this was a totally separate Buisness venture and that anyone could book the room and then ‘do what we want in it’ . I would not have continued with the booking had he said any different.”

There’s also a short video on the page.

Posted by Vixen as News at 10:06 PM CDT

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