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June 25th, 2009

Sex News Round Up

Sex News Round Up

From the New York Times:
Mysteries Remain After Governor Admits an Affair
“Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina said Wednesday that he had been having an extramarital affair with a woman in Argentina for the last year, ending the mystery surrounding his disappearance over Father’s Day weekend and considerably dampening his prospects for a national political career.

But his confession and apology, in a rambling, nationally televised news conference, left other mysteries unsolved, like whether he had lied to his staff members as late as Monday about his whereabouts, whether the affair had definitively ended, whether he would resign from the governorship and whether he would even have acknowledged the affair had he not been met at the airport in Atlanta by a reporter upon his return.”

Sanford seems so sloppy. Why not pay for his mistress to come visit him? Or have some quasi-official reason to go visit Argentina?

From Chicago Tribune:
When US pols + Argentine love = scandal
“You have to hand it to Mark Sanford. As far as we know, he did not fool around like Bill Clinton with an intern in his government office. Nor did he slip off to a fancy Washington hotel room with an exceedingly high-priced New Jersey hooker like New York’s former law-’n’-order Democratic Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

No, South Carolina’s Republican governor flew all the way to Buenos Aires to be with his sweetie, which immediate brought to mind memories of another Argentinian who gained instant fame in 1974 as the main squeeze, not counting his wife, of a powerful American politician and presidential hopeful. Arkansas Democrat Wilbur Mills wielded great power as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Like Sanford, he was a contender in 1972 for his party’s presidential nomination. That was before U.S. Park Police found him with his face cut one night in October 1974 after they stopped his speeding car near the Tidal Basin at 2 a.m.

Out of his car jumped Ms. Annabelle Battistella, a.k.a. Fanne Foxe, a stripper known as the “the Argentine Firecracker” at Washington’s Silver Slipper club on 13th Street.”

Gotta love those retro affairs eh?

From XBiz:
No Charges in Portland Mayor Gay Sex Scandal
“Portland Mayor Sam Adams will not face charges in a sex scandal that has occupied his administration for more than six months. Oregon Attorney General John Kroger announced the results of his investigation this afternoon.

Adams imperiled his political career and ignited a national scandal when it was revealed that he had conducted a sexual relationship in 2005 with Beau Breedlove, a mayoral intern who was then 18 years old. At the height of the scandal earlier this year, Breedlove posed for the cover of gay adult magazine Unzipped.”

And yet another politician in a sex scandal!?!

From NY Daily News:
Hollywood madam Michelle Braun cozies up to federal agents
“Hollywood, sports and business celebs have reason to sweat now that top madam Michelle Braun has cut a sweet plea deal with the feds.

Mickey Rourke, Charlie Sheen, Jose Canseco, Courtney Love and several Playmates are among those whose names have turned up in records provided to authorities — though none of them has been accused of any wrongdoing.

Braun, aka “Nici,” is due to be arraigned Monday in federal court in Santa Ana, Calif., as part of an agreement to “cooperate fully” with all branches of law enforcement.”

It’s interesting how Braun is getting treated in the media when compared to Deborah Jeane Palfrey. Palfrey fought the government and was criticized for being uncoperative. Braun cuts a plea deal with the government and is criticized for it. Madams can’t win with the press apparently.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:10 PM CDT

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