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January 25th, 2010

Sex News Update: Topless Coffee Shop Reopens

Topless Coffee Shop Reopens

From Jaunted:
Brrr! Maine’s Topless Coffee Shop Reopens Just In Time For Winter
“Maine’s Grand View Topless Coffee Shop has had a dramatic year. After only opening up in the town of Vassalboro back in February, the place has been had it’s moment in the media limelight, been burnt to the ground by an arsonist, and then reopened in a tent. Now it looks like it’s back for good, as the owner has received the permit to reopen in a business trailer on the property—not as great as the original, but it exists nonetheless.

According the Boston Herald, business so far has been slow, but it could also be because the arson fire from last June is still under investigation. But for those anxious to have a place where they can make “I like my women like I like my coffee” jokes, the Grand View is back in business.”

There’s a short video at this link. Several waitresses are interviewed about their job. My favorite quote was:

“Yes I’m a topless waitress but I’m also a regular, normal person in society.”

I don’t get the impression that the women interviewed think of themselves as sex workers. Nonetheless, this quote aptly describes the sex worker movement. Yes, we’re sex workers. But we’re also just normal people too.

Posted by Vixen in News

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