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February 9th, 2011

Sex News Roundup

Sex News Roundup

From Gawker:
Congressman Chris Lee Resigns Following Gawker Revelation
“Three hours after his shirtless Craigslist antics appeared on this site, Rep. Chris Lee (R-NY) announced his resignation from the U.S. House of Representatives.

Also from Gawker:
Married GOP Congressman Sent Sexy Pictures to Craigslist Babe
“Rep. Christopher Lee is a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York. But when he trolls Craigslist’s “Women Seeking Men” forum, he’s Christopher Lee, “divorced” “lobbyist” and “fit fun classy guy.” One object of his flirtation told us her story.


“By modern day standards, the conversation was relatively banal: No prostitutes, escorts, or madams were involved. Just good old fashioned lying and an apparent willingness to cheat on one’s wife”

This really is a tame scandal. If our representatives didn’t try to police our sex lives then maybe they could have their own kinks.

From Tristan Taormino’s site:
Sex Educator Tristan Taormino Will Speak At Oregon State University And The University Of Oregon
“Three weeks ago, Tristan Taormino’s keynote for Oregon State University’s Modern Sex Conference was cancelled by administrators, who cited her involvement in pornography as the reason. Response from local and national media, bloggers and sex educators, and on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook was extensive, and the University received hundreds of emails and calls criticizing its decision to un-invite Taormino.

In response, OSU students organized to raise funds from student activity dollars, and they have succeeded: Taormino will give her original talk, “Claiming Your Sexual Power,” on Tuesday, February 15 at 7:00 pm in LaSells Stewart Center at Oregon State University.”

This is great news. Congrats to the organizers who raised the funds.

From People For The American Way:
Another Attempted Smear of Planned Parenthood
“Live Action, the anti-choice group that has been attempting to smear Planned Parenthood with heavily edited videos of its activists posing as sex traffickers in Planned Parenthood offices, has released another video. And this one, according to a Planned Parenthood press release, has also been heavily altered”


Multiple media organizations have analyzed Live Action’s videos and found them to be fraudulent, and the claims that they are meant to back up misleading.

Although the mainstream media has for the most part recognized Live Action’s smear campaign as the fraud it is, Live Action isn’t giving up. Last week, a coalition of progressive groups, including People For, sent a letter to members of Congress supporting Planned Parenthood as the organization faces continued right-wing smears.”

This is such a shitty move. I don’t see atheists sneaking into churches pretending to be molested in an attempt to smear the pastors. Actually, what if some atheists and pro-choicers snuck into churches and video taped some conversations? How do you think they’d like that?

Planned Parenthood is one of my favorite organizations. They are the only medical establishment that consistently supported my childfree status. You can donate to them here.

From Scarlot Harlot’s site:
Sluts Unite T-Shirts
“Do you have a transgressive sexuality? Are you ‘Slut Identified?’ Then join the ‘Sluts Liberation Army’ today! (A slut is any who it more or differently, or even thinks of it more or differently. Or a slut may be someone who has simply been called a slut!) If you are ‘Slut Identified,’ then you can wear this T-Shirt.”

I don’t know how long these shirts have been around but they’re new to me. Super cool but sizes are limited.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:25 PM CST

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