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February 14th, 2011

PBS And Mister Rogers

Mister Rogers

Save NPR and PBS (Again)
“With Republicans back in charge of the House of Representatives, funding for NPR and PBS is in grave danger. Again.

The Republicans just released their budget proposal, and it zeroes out funding for both NPR and PBS–the worst proposal in more than a decade.

We need to tell Republicans that cutting off funding was unacceptable last time they were in charge, and it’s unacceptable now.

A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to your Senators and Representative.”

From Benton Foundation:
Republicans Propose Zeroing Out CPB Funding
“The chairman of the House Appropriations Committee has released a draft of a bill that would cut out federal funding for public broadcasting. The bill is the Republican’s version of the continuing resolution that would keep the government operating but take $100 billion out of its budget, including all the funds for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting not already obligated to be spent.”

From B&C:
President’s Budget Preserves CPB
“As expected, the president preserved funding for the Corporation For Public Broadcasting in the 2012 budget released Monday. That is funding Republicans are trying to zero out in their version of a continuing resolution to continue funding the government through the rest of this year.

The president’s own bipartisan budget-cutting advisory committee co-chairs suggested noncom funding might need to be zeroed out as one of the hard choices in tough economic times, but the president had indicated he did not agree with all the recommendations, and that was obviously one of them.”

Though I don’t own a TV I have found memories of PBS and signed the petition. The Muppets were a huge influence on me. The above video is of Mister Rogers defending PBS to the Senate. Interestingly it’s as relevant today as it was then.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:04 PM CST

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