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February 3rd, 2006

My New Toy

Bad Ass Tire Paddle

This month I had a person session with a client. This submissive is mostly a crossdresser but also gets spanked. He called wanting to know if he should bring anything special for his visit. He had become a brat lately, ignoring orders and being flippant. A spanking was needed to put him back in his place.

I’d been checking out John’s Tire Paddles and decided this would be the perfect implement to deliver the much needed attitude adjustment. I sent the submissive a link and told him to bring said paddle with him.

The day it came in the mail I got a nervous voicemail. “The paddle’s arrived Mistress. It seems really (gulp) heavy.”

Yes indeed. It’s a heavy one. At the beginning of the session I unwrapped the Bad Ass for full dramatic effect. The submissive stared at it wide eyed. The weight of it in my hand made me cackle. It was perfect.

I wanted to see what I could do with it but I had to calm myself. This wasn’t a pain slut after all. Just a submissive that hadn’t been obeying orders. He needed a spanking but I could tell I couldn’t go all out with him with this paddle. He can’t take a cane, nor could he take a full tire beating.

Instructions came next-he was to strip and lie on the bed. I twirled the paddle back and forth as I listened to the apologies that were suddenly gushing out of his mouth. All of the things he had bratted about, all the assignments he had neglected-everything he could think to apologize for he did. It was too late for apologies. Ignoring them, I ran my finger up the tire threads and told him to get on the bed.

There is a wicked side to me, I’ll admit that fully. I pulled my arm back and brought the paddle crashing down full force. Full force on the bed, inches from his ass. It made a thudding noise, he shrieked, I laughed. Evil? Perhaps. But deliciously fun.

The Bad Ass reddened his ass, and thighs, quite nicely. He has tender skin and I could only tap him. He winced with every slap. I kept up with the smacks until I was reassured he had truly learned his lesson. When I stopped he positively glared at the paddle. (but not at me, he knows better) I was delighted. When asked if he liked the Bad Ass the now sullen submissive just shook his head and pouted. To which I replied “then you’ll be obeying my orders better then won’t you”.

Once home my husband and I tried it out on each other. Wow. What a paddle. So fun to spank with! Since it’s so stiff there’s no reverb-when it hits your ass it’s a full thump. And a heavy thump at that. It’s a nice solid smack, both giving and receiving. Just as well that it only takes a few full smacks to redden a bottom because it wears a arm out fast.

A friend of mine makes paddles and has a rubber one we call The Motherfucker. Named so because that’s the phrase most uttered by the person getting spanked by it. I think the Bad Ass takes the crown though. It’s definately the biggest beast in my toy collection.

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 9:10 PM CST