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February 6th, 2006

100 Dildos

100 dildos

From the 100 Dildos site:
“For Christmas my roommate gave me 100 dildos. To get even with him I am searching for 100 uses for 100 dildos (non-sexual and non-destructive)… and I need your help. Each use has to use all 100 dildos.”

Here’s what I suggested:
Epoxy the dildos to a car. 100 dildos, five main parts. 20 on the roof, 20 on the sides, 20 on the front and back. Since it would be spiky all over no one will cut you off in traffic. If you can turn them on while driving slow thru town then you’ll have a vibrating groove going on. It’d make for one funky car!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 7:49 PM CST

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