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April 5th, 2006

Ask For A Debate

Code Pink call in day.

From Code Pink:

National Call-In Day to Demand a Debate on Iraq

Ask for a debate!

Wednesday, April 5
Call your Representative
202-224-3121 or 888-355-3588 or click here for info.

Without even a debate:
Congress has approved over $300 billion of taxpayer money on Iraq.
Over 2,300 American troops have lost their lives in Iraq
An unknown number of Iraqi civilians have been killed, estimates range from over 30,000 to over 150,000.

And yet, support for keeping the troops in Iraq has plummeted among the American public, the Iraqi people, and the American troops. Despite this, just last week, President Bush admitted that he expects troops to remain in Iraq past the end of his Presidency (January 2009).

House Resolution 543 is known as a discharge petition - it requires the signatures of half the members of the House (218 members). If we succeed in getting 218 signatores, the bill will immediately be debated and voted on in the House. That means that any member can introduce an amendment that sets out their plan for ending the war and bringing the troops home.

“Americans deserve an open and honest debate about the future of U.S. policy in Iraq by their representatives in Congress.” - Reps. Jones (R-NC), Gilchrest (R-MD), Paul (R-TX), Abercrombie (D-HI), Skelton (D-MO), Meehan (D-MA)

On April 5, the campaign for a debate in the House will move into full gear under the leadership of a bi-partisan group of 6 legislators who will hold a press conference urging fellow members to sign the discharge petition.

We’ll add the grassroots pressure with a national call-in day.
Please deliver this message:
Ask to speak to the Legislative Director
Identify yourself as a member of CODEPINK, and as a member of the United for Peace and Justice Coalition.

Demand that Congress show the American troops, the American people and the Iraqi people the respect they deserve. It is time for a full debate on the war in Iraq. Tell them to sign H.Res.543, the discharge petition.

Find out if your Representative has already signed the petition. If they have, thank them, and ask them to commit to persuading at least one other member to sign the petition.

Ask the legislative director if your Representative will sign the discharge petition. (Usually the staff person will not make a commitment, so ask them to please let you know what the Rep. will do - give them your email address)

Report back on your phone call to [email protected].

Posted by Vixen as News, Activism at 5:17 PM CDT