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April 7th, 2006

Criticizing Bush

Harry Taylor criticizes Bush.

Questioner Sharply Criticizes President Bush at Appearance

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina - President Bush isn’t used to tongue lashings, but he got a scolding Thursday from a North Carolina man who told the president that he should be ashamed of himself.

“While I listen to you talk about freedom, I see you assert your right to tap my telephone, to arrest me and hold me without charges, to try to preclude me from breathing clean air and drinking clean water,” real estate broker Harry Taylor told Bush at a town hall meeting. “I have never felt more ashamed of nor more frightened by my leadership in Washington.”

I applaud Mr. Taylor for standing up and speaking his mind. While I often criticize Bush, I have never had the opportunity to do it to him in person. Bush must be freaking out about his pathetically low poll numbers if he let someone criticize him to his face. Cheers to standing up to the oppressors Mr. Taylor!

Further down the article notes some people booed him. Booed him for what? Do they like being spied upon? Do they like breathing polluted air? I can only imagine how the jackals on Fox are humping their desks in their rapid fury that someone dare criticize Dear Leader. I am so glad I don’t own a television.

Posted by Vixen as Political Rants, News at 9:37 PM CDT

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