Normally I’m all for buying well made toys, toys from a reputable seller with a good reputation. But sometimes buying toys on a whim can be very fun. Take the toy pictured above for example. Mr. Radical and I had been teasing each other while shopping at Walmart and bought this toy to play with when we got home.
(Tangent: My activist side compels me to tell you I do my best to boycott Walmart. Not living in a big city makes it difficult however. I tally up a list of things that can be found no where else in town and go to the evil store once or twice a month.)
While not a “real” spanking implement the bath brush worked quite well. It had a surprising sting to it and was innocent enough that if left out accidently would not alarm vanilla house guests.
The other day I was spanking Mr. Radical with the brush. It was a harder spanking and his ass was getting quite red. Then out of nowhere-CRACK! The bath brush splits in two. We had a moment of panic where I had to make sure he wasn’t bleeding or didn’t have any wood splinters. Check out the close up, the break is a sharp one:
He was ok and we decided to go on with the spanking. I grabbed the trusty leather strap. Made well, tough leather, polished wood handle-it wasn’t going to break on us.
After we were done playing Mr. Radical says “You know, you should probably blog about this.” To which I replied “I was thinking the same thing.”
Posted by Vixen in Musings