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November 18th, 2007

Erotic Artist

I recently discovered Jackie Adshead’s artwork. While she covers other subject matter I’m drawn to her erotic work. I particularly like that she paints on a black canvas. It creates a unique effect and the figures glow.

Jackie Adshead painting

About Boa: “The feather boa wrapped around the female form creates a froth of feathers as she sits with her leg raised. A nice contrast of the soft feathers against the more solid lines of the model, and the use of one colour makes the picture more interesting. The sensual delight of the boa and its feather light touch against her skin.”

I particularly like this one because it reminds me of a yoga pose:

Jackie Adshead painting

About Sacrifice: “The white light shines down on the body from above. The legs bent under the body causing the shoulders to take the weight and so creating her arched back. The pose lifts the breasts and torso whilst her hair hangs down behind. A difficult pose to hold because of the strain on the back and muscle tension but an erotic one because of it.”

Posted by Vixen in Sexy Sensations

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 18th, 2007 at 11:03 pm and is filed under Sexy Sensations. You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “Erotic Artist”

  1. jackie adshead says:

    Thanks Vixen for your interest in my art. Let me know if you want me to draw you in your favourite erotic pose!!

  2. Vixen says:

    JA-OOOH! I hadn’t thought of that. That would be super groovy!

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