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September 29th, 2008

Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy-#9

It’s my turn to host the FCoSFaA. From Jackie’s Adshead’s beautiful paintings to Ren’s terminology rant (and of course I like my own!) these posts have effected me, made me think more deeply about issues and entertained me. I hope they do the same for you.

Feminist Carnival of Sexual Freedom and Autonomy-#9

Unveiling of the Queyntes
“I hope that more women will be interested in having their “Queynte” painted and I would love to see them all part of an exhibition somewhere for the world to see - because just seeing the seven of them together is a beautiful thing already!”

Catalina loves CEO Peter Acworth
“In the documentary on, a lot of the people who work at mention that they are inspired to be as creative as they can be and most mention having learned more on the job than they could have ever imagined. Do you see as a revolutionary company where people actually like to go to work? Was this part of your plan from the beginning, to create an environment where people were encouraged to grow, think, and use their educations?”

Life & Issues
Controlling Parts Is Controlling The Sum Of Its Parts
“But what’s worse is your mistaken belief that not sharing your beliefs means morally bankruptcy, mental handicap, or some deficiency rendering the person incapable of making “a correct choice” and so you must make it for them.”

“Ultimately, the tests came back and they did some minor surgeries. We thought that was it. Just some abnormal cells, nothing to be worried about. Life goes on.

Except it didn’t.”
-This is a ten part series. Scroll to the bottom of the page to read Part 1 and then work your way up.

People I could hang out with
“I just never hear anybody ever talk about the ordeal that painful periods can be — you know, outside of pamphlets from the doctor’s office. And I certainly haven’t see someone validate that experience by making it the primary conflict in a story. But it wasn’t just a story, it was a damn sexy story.”

Across the Porn Divide
“The current situation, where anti’s and pro’s sit and glower at each other but make no effort to find any common ground, is getting us nowhere, on the issue of pornography, or any other issues, even ones that we may be surprised to find we agree on.”

“The Price of Pleasure”: I am skeptical of claims that this film is honest & nonjudgmental.
“However, when one makes such claims about their work, they must be prepared to defend it, and if one digs deeper into the forces behind “The Price of Pleasure”, they will find just about everyone involved in its production and promotion is anti-pornography, in some cases, stridently so.”

Response to Hugo Schwyzer
“On the other hand, it feels like a back-handed compliment; I mean, why should I give him a cookie and pat him on the head simply for not operating on the assumption that I’m dysfunctional or damaged? I mean, really, that should be a given, a default, a non-issue.”

Aesthetic Response Porn School
“So once a week or so I’ll be posting an erotic image and ask that we all provide our aesthetic responses to it.”

Cliched Sex
“The real hazard of cybersex is chat-fucking someone who is working not too far from you, and then drops over to your office late in the evening, as you pore over hastily scribbled meeting minutes, trying desperately to decipher action items that you need to complete before the following morning (that you should have been doing whyen your head was clearer and less tired but instead were having wild and passionate keyboard monkey love.”

Dinner at La Domaine - Reality
“This fantasy of being the centerpiece and entertainment at a dinner party is one that has been a permanent fixture in our fantasy life since i became my Master’s submissive.”

Sex Work
Happy Thoughts on Being a Phonesex Op…
“The funny thing is, like most people, I grew up thinking that adult workers were the dregs of society, with no hope of redemption, objectified for their bodies, etc, etc, etc. I am sure all of you have heard the same sort of litany.
That is not the case with Me.”

Sex Work and Compassion: Self Hating Client
“I’m not sure why I spoke out to SHC. Maybe it was the tone of his voice. There was such a mean, cruel inflection when he insulted himself. Lots of my clients don’t like their kinky sides and I don’t argue with them. There have been times that I’ve tried and either lost clients or caused regulars to not call back for several weeks. They call me to role play their fantasies-not to psychoanalyze them.

But sometimes I feel compelled to say something. Why should people hate their fantasies?I don’t think that’s healthy. For me, part of sex work is helping clients embrace their kinky sides.”

We take a brief moment to rant on about terminology with regards to sex work…
“The terms, when speaking of sex workers, “selling their bodies”/ “selling themselves” need to die in a fire.”

Posted by Vixen as Sexy Sensations, Activism, Sex Workers at 11:30 PM CDT