I just finished watching Alex Jones’ new film the Obama Deception. Whoa. My paranoia fears are certainly stoked up now. Still, I’d recommend checking it out.
From Prison Planet TV:
The Obama Deception
“The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order.
He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America.”
I was really leaning third party before Palin got picked for Mccain’s VP. When Obama won I was feeling pretty hopeful. But there’s a lot of shit that’s gone done since that “momentous” day on Jan. 20th. After watching the film I ranted to Mr. Radical that I wouldn’t vote for Obama again. Is voting third party throwing away one’s vote? Maybe. But isn’t voting for the corporate overlords again and again worse?
A lot of Obama’s broken promises are covered in this movie. There’s a lot of headlines flashed in the film as a sort of edgy footnoting. I liked it though because it lends verisimilitude to the piece. This is needed because at times it gets a little “preaching to the choir”-esque.
There’s some flaws in the film, sure. Kissinger didn’t give Obama his first job, he gave the job to Geithner actually. As important as the Bilderberg Group is I don’t think it should have been covered so early in the film. Leading with the Bilderbergs gives it too much of a conspiracy vibe. And while the Bilderberg conspiracy is easily documented as a real group it’s an easy bit for critics to jump on. The heart of the movie is when Jones covers how Obama has not only gone back on his word but continues the very Bush policies that he spoke out against. I’d like more of that. Maybe in another two years he can make a sequel?
I especially like that Jones repeatedly challenges the viewer to follow up on the information, to check the facts and theories presented. That is the key to good activism.
(On a side note-How funny is it that one member of Public Enemy has a sexist reality show where women try to “win” his love and another member is a college professor talking politics in this film?)