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March 21st, 2009

Wow 4 Years Now

Lady in Canvas Chair

Yesterday was my fourth blog anniversary. I’d like to thank all my blog readers and all the friends I’ve met through our little sex blog networks. Also, thanks to all the people who email or comment-I really appreciate it! This blog has been tweaked over the years and I’ve feel like I’ve hit a groove with it that keeps it enjoyable for me and you too.

In a perfect world there would have been a cool contest like last year. But I’ve been swamped with non-RV related projects that, while fun, having been sucking my time worse than a cock slut in a glory hole on a Friday night. (Hey this is a sex blog I couldn’t resist.) Next year will be my fifth anniversary so I’m definitely having a contest then.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 12:45 AM CDT