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May 18th, 2009

Sex News Round Up

Sex News Round Up

From the BBC:
Gay protest broken up in Moscow
“Police in Russia have broken up a protest by gay rights activists in Moscow, staged to coincide with the final of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Some 30 campaigners had gathered near a university in defiance of a ban on their march and many were dragged away by police when they shouted slogans.


There have been many attacks on members of the gay community - they also say they risk being sacked by their employers and shunned by their families.

The Moscow mayor Yuri Luzkhov has described gay parades as “satanic”.”

Sometimes I am shocked that in 2009 people still believe in Satan. I mean, really this Luzhov actually thinks the Dark Lord is mind controlling these gay people and forcing them to walk together with banners? Sigh…

Found via World Sex News Daily:
China to open first sex theme park
“Maybe it was the giant revolving model of a woman’s legs and lower torso, clad only in an unflattering crimson thong, or perhaps it was the oversized replica of a set of genitals. Either way, many residents in the south-west city of Chongqing are not happy about the development of China’s first sex theme park, which has been described as “vulgar” and inappropriate.

The park manager, Lu Xiaoqing, who was inspired by South Korea’s popular sex theme park in Jeju, says that Love Land, due to open in October, will improve sex education and help adults enjoy a harmonious sex life. Inside, visitors will be able to view naked human sculptures, giant replicas of genitals and an exhibition about the history of sex and sexual practices in other countries.

The park will also offer sex technique workshops and advise on anti-Aids measures and using condoms properly.”

The giant genitals sound weird and cool. But the condom and AIDS education are so important. Why not teach them in an entertaining way?

From via Neatorama:
Prehistoric carving is oldest known figurative art
“This sculpture may look a little bit like a roast chicken, but don’t let that distract you - it’s an incredibly important artistic find. This small figurine is arguably the oldest representation of the human body yet discovered.

The figure is clearly human, with short arms ending in five, carefully carved fingers, and a navel in the right position. But its most obvious features show that it depicts a woman, and very explicitly at that. She has large protruding breasts, wide hips and thighs, accentuated buttocks and pronounced vulva between her open legs. In contrast to these exaggerated sexual features, her arms and legs are relatively small and her head has been left out entirely. It was replaced with a carefully carved ring that probably allowed the figure to be suspended like a pendant.”

This is such an exciting find!

From LA Times Blogs:
Sasha Grey, porn superstar and lead in new Soderbergh film, as you’ve never seen her before
“Last Thursday evening, Sasha Grey, one of the world’s most popular porn stars, joined me at Brandeis University for an exclusive interview after a screening of “The Girlfriend Experience,” Steven Soderbergh’s critically acclaimed new mainstream film in which she stars.


Early word of Grey’s impending visit set the city of Boston abuzz, and — as we learned via blogs, Twitter, talk radio and newspaper columns — she is not someone who engenders mild feelings. Some said they had never before heard of or seen her; others said they had heard and seen a lot of her. Some said they vehemently disapproved of what she did for a living; others said they couldn’t get enough of her work. Some were outraged that a prestigious university would invite her to visit its campus and that a respected publication would want to interview her; others — especially the 300 students who managed to snag a ticket to the event — were just plain happy that we did.”

The interview certainly isn’t groundbreaking but I liked it. It was refreshing to see a sex worker asked normal questions. Even the audience was respectful.

I was a bit confused about Grey’s comments about the real life escorts interviewed. I believe she said the women interviewed showed “disdain” for their clients. Did I hear that right? The director apparently interviewed eight working girls. I can’t imagine all eight of them having disliking their clients.

As a PSO I certainly don’t have disdain for the guys who call me. I like some and dislike others. But I’m always grateful for them and their calls. They provide me with the means to live my lifestyle. Certainly a few of the escorts interviewed felt similar?

From AVN:
Visiting Max
“The letter came about two weeks ago.

“Concerning your request to visit me, you are all set and can come down at your convenience,” it said. “Friday nights are the best, and if you get here at 5 o’clock, you won’t have to wait more than a few minutes.”

This was good news, since I’d been waiting for more than three weeks after filing the proper form for the Bureau of Prisons to notify me that it was okay to visit Paul Little, aka Max Hardcore, and when it seemed as if the permission would never arrive, I wrote to Paul and asked if there was any way he could find out on his end if I’d been okayed?”

I’m glad to see articles like this. It’s important to remember the adult biz workers who have been royally fucked by the gov’t.

From Scanner:
Transgender Marriage Struck Down By the Great State of Tennessee
“In November 2007, a man and a woman walked into county clerk’s office in Davidson County, Tennessee. Both had driver’s licenses identifying them as “opposite marriage people”– or, in logical land terms, a man and a woman. They were quickly married and promptly forgotten about by the state…

…until this past March, when a woman named Jo T. Rittenberry was arrested in a different county for assault and fraud. The police determined that she was actually a man and notified the state’s marriage board, which this month invalidated the marriage from November 2007. In their announcement to the press, the state said that it doesn’t matter if Rittenberry is male or female– she was born a male, and thus this was a same sex-marriage, which is illegal…”

I hope gay marriage and trans-gender rights become completely recognized in my lifetime. You would think so since I’m only in my 30s. But hell, abortion is still not available to every woman that needs one.

Posted by Vixen as News at 9:42 PM CDT

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