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January 4th, 2010

Desiree Alliance Conference-Call for Presentation Proposals And Registration

Desiree Alliance

From Desiree Alliance:
” Happy New Year! Now that the holidays are behind us, wanted to remind everyone about the upcoming Desiree Alliance Conference this July 25-30th in Las Vegas. We are looking for presenters and attendees and a few deadlines are quickly approaching. For those unfamiliar with this conference, it is a national convergence of sex workers and our allies to help build a stronger and more diverse sex worker rights movement and create discussion surrounding the issues many sex workers face today.

Deadline for presentation proposals is March 1. This is just a few months away now and we are still looking for presenters for our five different tracks, including Academic and Policy, Activism, Arts & Media, Business Development, and Harm Reduction and Outreach. If you have a presentation idea that falls outside the guidelines for these tracks, please submit it to [email protected].

Early registration deadline is January 15. If you would just like to attend the conference and would like to take advantage of the early registration rate of $150 (includes meals), please register here. Registration will be open until July 15, 2010. Our host hotel has offered room rates of $25/night and there will be scholarships available for those unable to afford cost of conference.

If you can’t attend or present, please help us spread the word about the conference! Please forward this email to interested parties or link to the conference homepage here- Desiree Alliance Conference

Hope to see you in Vegas this July!”

Posted by Vixen as Activism, Sex Workers at 10:56 PM CST

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