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January 11th, 2010

Sex News Round Up

Sex News Round Up

From Iafrica:
Sex, soccer and the dream
” Rustenburg prostitute Tshepiso Khoza* is hoping to get off the streets with the money she makes from the Soccer World Cup later this year.

“I am looking at pounds and dollars, I want to quit after the World Cup,” said the 23-year-old, who plies her trade on Heystek Street — Rustenburg’s red-light district.

The 15 women who work on the street are united in their hope that 2010 will bring them gold. Before the final draw last year all eagerly waited to hear which teams would be playing in Rustenburg, so they could charge those fans their home currency and exchange it on the black market.”

There’s no breaking headlines in this story. But I thought the article was interesting points. I didn’t know prostitutes charged in their client’s home currency. That’s clever. But why would they have to exchange it on the black market? Maybe they don’t have bank accounts? I would think they could even exchange it with street money changers but maybe that’s considered the black market?

From the Minnesota Independent:
Franken bill to give servicewomen access to emergency contraception
“Sens. Al Franken and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) have sponsored a bipartisan bill that would require military medical facilities to include emergency contraceptives among medications available to servicewomen.

A statement from mid-December at Franken’s web site says current Department of Defense policy allows military hospitals and clinics to carry the contraceptive, also known as the “morning-after pill,” but it’s not required — which means servicewomen don’t have the same access to it as the general public.

Hopefully this one will get passed.

From Pam’s House Blend:
Visit the Blend for exclusive legal analysis of Federal Prop 8 trial by NCLR
“You’ll want to stick right here on the Blend for coverage of the federal Prop 8 trial because we have great resources for you that you won’t find anywhere else.


But the big news is that we have just secured a nice exclusive for you — daily analysis of the trial from someone eminently qualified to do so — and is at the trial — Shannon Minter, Legal Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). Daily wrap-ups will go up in the hours after court end of day.


And we have another exclusive for you — at the end of the week Blenders will have the opportunity to ask questions about the trial’s first week in a CoverItLive chat with Shannon Minter or Kate Kendell, the Executive Director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights (depending on who’s available as we work out scheduling).”

That’s a pretty cool exclusive. I’m feeling pretty cynical about gays being able to legally marry in CA. But I’ve been reading news for the past hour which puts me in a pessimistic mood. If only one of these cases would get seen by the Supreme Court and the justices would decide in favor of gay marriage. A girl can dream?

From the Telegraph:
Town’s mayor caught on camera stealing women’s underwear
“Stafford, 59, was seen walking into the woman’s bedroom, rifling through her drawers, and selecting a pair of knickers he wanted to wear.

The bachelor, who had twice been elected mayor of Preesall and Knott End, near Fleetwood, Lancs, then performed a sex act before leaving the building.


The woman who made the recording was one of three Stafford targeted between January 1 and June 26 last year.

She decided to install a hidden camera after noticing that some of her underwear was disappearing.”

I have several clients who tell me about stealing their partners’ panties. (I blogged about it here.) I can’t help but think that the man should have just purchased panties from several local mistresses. But maybe that would lose the thrill of stealing them?

From the LA Times:
Male prostitution is Nevada’s newest legal profession
“Brothel owner Bobbi Davis got the go-ahead Tuesday to hire what her website cheekily calls “a few good men.”

Her Shady Lady Ranch is searching for “service-oriented” guys willing to become Nevada’s first legal male sex workers.


A county board’s vote Tuesday affirming that Davis could offer “shady men” to her clientele followed months of rancorous debate among the state’s legal brothel community.


After announcing her plans this summer, Davis and attorney Allen Lichtenstein succeeded where the better-known Hollywood Madam, Heidi Fleiss, had failed. In 2005, Fleiss announced that she was moving to Pahrump, in southern Nye County, in hopes of creating a “stud farm.” She opened a Laundromat instead.”

I think this is a great idea. Will the ladies go for it? Several of my (male) clients certainly would. The article mentions how several parties involved are worried about the homosexual angle. Really?! Sometimes it’s crazy that in 2010 people are still getting hung up on people of the same gender having sex.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:13 PM CST

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