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January 20th, 2010

Dallas Prostitution DNA Collection

From 33 TV:
Prostitute DNA Collection to Start Soon
“Prostitutes in Dallas can soon submit their DNA to a database in case they become victims of violent crime.

Dallas police Lt. Christina Smith said the collection could start soon after the next roundup of area prostitutes area in three weeks.

Dallas police and other local authorities have garnered national attention for their prostitution diversion initiative, which rounds up prostitutes in the area and gives them the option of rehabilitation instead of jail time.

Prostitutes would submit DNA samples voluntarily.

Dallas police say prostitutes are much more likely to be victims of violent crimes than the general public. The new DNA database would help identify prostitutes whose bodies might turn up at a crime scene.”

I find this completely offensive and creepy.

If the police are so concerned about prostitutes being the victims of violent crimes then why not decriminalize prostitution? Have brothels where the prostitutes could be assured safety? Or make it a low priority crime wise? Or investigate all murder cases equally no matter the class of the victim?

I hate how this is pitched with a “protect the whore” angle. How long until these DNA samples are used to arrest people because they are admitted prostitutes? Sure Dallas is doing a “prostitution diversion initiative” right now. But what happens if a new police chief gets in with a “zero tolerance on prostitution” policy? Will the DNA information be kept just in case dead bodies are found? Or will they be used against the prostitutes?

Then there’s the larger picture. How long until certain “types” of people have to give over DNA samples? This shit is creepy and big brotheresque.

Posted by Vixen as News, Sex Workers at 9:29 PM CST

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