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February 28th, 2011

Remembering Our Fallen: Part 4

Remembering Our Fallen

From Alternet:
11 Women Found Murdered in Albuquerque Desert — Why Was This Not Treated As a National Tragedy?
“Two years ago today, in a story that shook me to my core, a woman walking her dog found a femur in the desert. She alerted the police, who began a three-month dig, covering a vast area of the mesa near my home. The police found the bodies of 11 women, one of whom was four months pregnant.”


We fanned the flames of something that was already here, in Albuquerque, in our barrios. Compassion, love and heartbreak. Even for women who use drugs, even for women who sell sex to buy them.

And we saw a change. After we called attention to the language the officials were using in the case, we saw a powerful shift in their words. Instead of prostitutes and addicts, they became women, mothers and daughters. The investigation remains open, if slow. The families have been connected, and can draw on each other for support.”"

Let’s hope this killer gets caught soon. I covered the West Mesa murders here.

Remembering Our Fallen
Remembering Our Fallen: Part 1
Remembering Our Fallen: Part 2
Remembering Our Fallen: Part 3

Posted by Vixen in News, Sex Workers

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