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June 5th, 2011

Sex News Roundup

Sex News Roundup

Escorts complain Utah law makes acting sexy illegal
“Two escort services have filed a federal lawsuit to halt a Utah solicitation law they fear could lead to the arrest of strippers or escorts who are simply acting sexy.

Utah defines solicitation as a person agreeing to sex in exchange for money. A new law that went into effect this month broadened the definition to include any person who indicates through lewd acts, such as exposing or touching themselves, that they intend to exchange sex for money.”

When I first heard about this story I was sure it was an Onion article. Sounds like Utah needs a Slut Walk to me!

From YouTube:
Tropes vs. Women
“This is the first of a six part series created for Bitch Magazine:

Tropes vs. Women explores the reoccurring themes and representations of women in Hollywood films and TV shows.

The Manic Pixie Dream Girl is a cute, bubbly, young (usually white) woman who has recently entered the life of our brooding hero to teach him how to loosen up and enjoy life. While that might sound all well and good for the man, this trope leaves women as simply there to support the star on his journey of self discovery with no real life of her own.”

I just found this YouTube channel and totally dig it!

From the LA Times blog:
EGYPT: General admits protesters subjected to ‘virginity tests’
“A senior Egyptian general told CNN Tuesday that officials performed “virginity checks” on women arrested during the uprising that led to former President Hosni Mubarak’s ouster, the first time the authorities have admitted they performed such tests during the revolution.

The tests were first reported by the human rights group Amnesty International, weeks after a March 9 protest in Cairo’s Tahrir Square in which female demonstrators were allegedly beaten, strip-searched, threatened with prostitution charges and forced to submit to procedures that supposedly determined whether they were virgins.

At the time, Maj. Amr Imam said 17 women had been arrested but denied they had been tortured or had their virginity tested.

On Tuesday, a senior general who asked not to be identified admitted to CNN that military officials conducted virginity tests — and he defended them.”

This was another headline I mistook for an Onion story at first. Virginity checks-really?!

Posted by Vixen as News, Sex Workers at 10:18 PM CDT

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