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December 20th, 2011

Resisting Christmas

Christmas Resistance

Longtime readers know I don’t celebrate Christmas. The Christmas Resistance Movement seems more pertinent than ever. Mr. Radical and I haven’t exchanged gifts in years. It’s such a stress relief.

I was in a clothing store this past weekend and the place was packed with frantic shoppers. So many people looked so stressed. I couldn’t help but think how ridiculous it all was. Why not consider giving up the Christmas craziness? Realistically it’s too late to give it up this year if your family is expecting presents but why not scale back next year?

There’s an Occupy Xmas movement as well. There’s an #OccupyXmas hashtag on Twitter, a Facebook page and blog.

If you are buying presents this year consider buying handmade items. From Handmadeology:
Reasons to Buy Handmade
“Buying handmade can become a total lifestyle choice. Choosing to buy handmade is just like choosing to buy local produce. You simply cannot compare mass produced products to artisan created goods in terms of inspiration, quality, and attention to detail.


Buying handmade is also a tremendous boost to small business and to the economy as a whole. It’s small businesses that are the backbone of our economy. We need thriving small businesses in order for everyone to prosper. This certainly plays into our local markets, but in this day and age of global integration, the world economy can benefit as well.”

I recommend Etsy. There’s tons of handmade goodness over there. It’s such a treat to buy a product from the exact person who made it.

Posted by Vixen as Activism at 11:25 PM CST

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