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June 15th, 2006

Gay and Lesbian Book Burning

Burned gay and lesbian books.

From NBC5:

Lakeview Librarians Find Burned Books

Some Call Incident Hate Crime

CHICAGO — Librarians in a Lakeview library found some of its books burned, and some said the burned books were a sign of a hate crime.

Fire officials said the emergency call came in at approximately noon, where they found dozens of scorched and burning books at the John Merlo Branch of the Chicago Public Library, located at 644 W. Belmont Ave.

Chicago police said they were calling Tuesday’s incident arson, but representatives of the gay community said on Wednesday that the timing with the upcoming Gay Pride Parade and proposed laws dealing with gay marriage in the works, the incident is too coincidental.

Posted by Vixen in News

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 15th, 2006 at 8:50 pm and is filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

6 Responses to “Gay and Lesbian Book Burning”

  1. mouthybitch says:

    The thing I think is especially funny about this, if it can be said to be funny, is the idea that if you destroy enough things, the ideas behind them will disappear. This posits two conditions; the idea is already dying and that no one is capable of retaining the idea/formulating new ones on the same topic.

    Need I say that both suppositions are shit?

  2. Andy Thayer says:

    For those who want to protest this attack, there will be a vigil on the one week anniversary of the attack, 7 PM, Tuesday, June 20th in front of the library.

    As we saw with the vigils around Matthew Shepard’s death nearly 8 years ago, this sort of event is one of the best ways to raise public consciousness about anti-LGBT hate and violence. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    More info @

  3. Vixen says:

    Exactly. Like burning a book will instantly turn gays straight. Man says “Gee I’d like to suck your cock but I can’t. There’s no books supporting my desire to do so.”

  4. mouthybitch says:

    I was gonna give you some good head, but wait. I have to read this book first.

    I love the intelligence postulated by this idea, don’t you? Oh wait, I’m not allowed to use multi-syllabics.

    Dam it. I wuz gunna giv yu sum gud hed, but I mus red this buk first. Th’ Hungry Caterpilla-

    Shit. I can’t help myself. I have to use big words. I just can’t figure out what to do with them.

  5. Vixen says:

    MB-The ones that want to repress are always the most self repressed I think. They want to punish others for being sexually free because they can’t allow themselves to be.

  6. Vixen says:

    Andy-Thanks for the info. You’re right-it is a good idea to use such a tradegy to try to prevent future ones. I hope it changes some hearts and minds for the better.

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